Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

Av. Justo Salvador, esq. Aguascalientes S/N
Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca CP70934


Odyboards is the largest surf shop and factory in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. Striving to offer the highest quality surfboards and best customer service in Mexico, every Odyboard is hand shaped by professional shaper, Ody Ordaz and glassed by an experienced team. Save on airline baggage overcharge and pre-order your own custom surfboard from anywhere in the world and it will be ready for you to pick up so you can surf the famous barrels of the Mexican Pipeline, Zicatela or soft point break at La Punta.

Keep smiling, keep surfing!

404: Page Unsurfable

(Error 404: PÁgina no Encontrada)

Lamentamos no haber podido encontrar la página que estabas buscando. Esto es porque:

  • Hay un error en la URL ingresada en su navegador web. Por favor revise la URL y surfea de nuevo.

  • La página que está buscando ha sido movida o eliminada.

Haga clic en uno de los botones o use nuestra navegación principal para ¡seguir surfeando y seguir sonriendo!

(Error 404: page not found)

Sorry we couldn't find the page you were looking for. This is either because:

  • There is an error in the URL entered into your browser. Please check the URL and surf it again.

  • The page you are looking for has been moved or deleted.

Click on one of the buttons or use our main navigation to keep surfing & keep smiling!